Recent Listening: Songs With Names That Form A Sentence

  • One Day Like This – Elbow
  • While You Wait For The Others - Grizzly Bear
  • Blowing Lungs Like Bubbles - Efterklang
  • Please, Baby, Please - David Bazan
  • Stand By Me - John Lennon
  • In The Flowers - Animal Collective
  • I Want To Tell You - The Beatles
  • How To Disappear Completely - Radiohead
  • The Way Young Lovers Do - Van Morrison
  • All Neon Like - Björk

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Studio View

Just thought I'd upload a few snaps of the space I've been creating the recent pieces in. This documents the process I've been going through to get to the finished articles. As you can see I make a lot of mess. I feel a bit like a school kid cutting and pasting...Except I don't have to use safety scissors anymore.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Student Limbo

I know. Three posts in three days. Madness right? Well anyway here's another cut and paste observation for the millions of you that read my blog. This one focuses on the troubling limbo that students fall into once they leave university. Here's hoping it doesn't happen to me...

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Man Is Still Battling The Answering Machine

Just revised the cutout experiment from yesterday and I'm pleased with how it has turned out. I've decided to focus on a completely hand crafted approach to the project which, while being slightly more time consuming, should give the finished pieces an authenticity that I don't think I could achieve with a computer. Wish me luck!

Monday, 19 April 2010

Man Versus Answering Machine

A little experiment with cut out paper for my final major project. I'm doing a series of pieces which are observations about various aspects of everyday life. This one is themed around technology (a battle I had with the answering machine one day). So today I've been trying out a different approach to working and thinking about possibly having all my pieces displayed as originals as opposed to prints. I'm going to try out a few of the individual pieces in potatoshop first and see how it goes.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

A Hard Day's Fight

Those of you who know me will no doubt be aware that I am a fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Those of you who don't know me are now furnished with this piece of information. To me they are a time machine, taking me back to my joyous childhood days in the early nineties before I realized the world was a big scary place. For my recent birthday I received a Digital Versatile Disc of the television series from the late eighties that I grew up watching. Inspiration hit and I decided to embark upon a quick project.

I created this piece as a homage to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and as I am also a regular listener of The Beatles I decided to parody the album cover for the American release of 'A Hard Day's Night'. I thought this was a good way of presenting the four portraits. I'm a little unsure about the typography on the bit that says 'Teenage Mutant Ninja'. Overall though I'm happy with it. Let me know what you think!

NOTE: Just in case there are any nerds reading this, I am aware that in the 1984 comic debut of TMNT all four of them had red bandannas. I opted for the different colored versions to add contrast and to distinguish between the four. I wonder if anyone will read this...